Sunday, April 19, 2020

Mountain Meetup

As I got to know John a little better, he mentioned that he was planning on coming to Colorado for a visit soon, and wondered if I'd like to meet.  I immediately agreed and we began trying to arrange it.  He added that one of the other siblings might be able to join us and we tried to plan a spot that would be a half way point for us.

As the day got closer and I began watching the weather reports, I started to feel a little nervous since this would be mountain driving and maneuvering in snow isn't exactly my strong suit. At some point, I think my husband decided that he would offer to go along---not just because of the weather, but because he felt it might be irresponsible of him to allow his wife to meet two total strangers in an unfamiliar it turns out, I think he just ended up enjoying having more people to discuss cars with.  His wife isn't exactly impressed with horsepower.

We woke up early that morning and drove to Breckenridge---a small ski resort town.  We located the restaurant we had agreed to meet at for lunch, and I brought along my "father folder"---the folder of info I had compiled about my birthfather:  photos, newspaper articles, etc., and info about all the siblings as well.  I guess I wanted to show them that I really HAD done my research and that this wasn't just a shot in the dark. I suspect it just looked like I was obsessive and possibly a maniac.

When we walked into the restaurant, it was mostly empty---but I spotted John at a table, with not just one other person, but TWO.  Not only did he bring Jeff, but Jeff's twin brother John (yes, there are two brothers with the name John----which is their father's name.  I feel like he must have been oddly proud of it)
I was beyond thrilled that I was actually getting to meet THREE siblings at once, and probably overwhelmed them with my hugs and giggling like an idiot.

We spent a nice couple of hours eating, laughing and sharing stories.  I learned little things about my birthfather that I never would have known otherwise---he loved to eat at Chili's and was well known there; he once owned a drapery business; he had been a spy in the US army.  I was amazed at how relaxed I felt with them and how welcoming all three of them were towards me.

When it was time to go, little brother John suggested that we get shirts from the restaurant, his treat, and wear them in a photo together to send to the other siblings who couldn't be there.  He also bought shirts for them as well, and we made plans to have a family get together later in the summer where we could all wear the shirts together.  It was such a sweet gesture and honestly one of my favorite pictures I've even been in.

Scott and I headed for home and the whole way, all I could think about was how 4 years previously, I had almost completely given up on EVER knowing anything about anyone from my bloodlines.  It felt like road block after road block. Dead ends everywhere I looked.  Even the law wasn't on my side. 

Yet there I was--4 years later--I knew EVERYONE'S name.  I knew what they looked like, sounded like, life stories, things I could never previously have dreamed of.

Through all of this, I've wondered:  Why couldn't this have happened sooner?  Why couldn't I have learned all of this when I was 30 and first searching, when my birthfather was still alive, my grandparents would still be here to ask those clarifying questions.  I don't know I will ever know the answer to that.  But I do think that if I had received all of this when I was younger, its possible I wouldn't have been mature enough to appreciate it the way I do now, especially after having to work for it the way I did.  Maybe my siblings wouldn't have been at a place where they could have welcomed me so easily. Its hard to know for certain.  But I believe God's timing is perfect. I've seen it time and time again in my life, and the lives of those I love.  Its hard to see sometimes, especially when you're in the middle of it, and wondering why you can't just have what you want RIGHT NOW.

How blessed I feel to finally have what I searched for, as well as everything that was lovingly handed to me the day I was adopted. It's the best of both worlds.

It's good to be me.

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